Bad carpal tunnel =
1. Lack of posts
2. Cannot crochet
This is saddening! :(
Blue Wings
dreams, giggles, and love
Friday, March 13, 2009
Posted by Blue Wings at 2:50 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Just like my unknown obsession over elephants, I have a matching cliche obsession with skeleton keys. HOW PERFECT IS THIS!?
By SeeSoul
Fantastical, beautiful and yet still really adorable. I really appreciate this kind of artwork for children.
By SaraYard

Perhaps I can convince hubby during home decor month that $30 is totally worth this pillow (which is exactly matching to our color schemes!)
By CWestPillows

Warning: You may die from over cuteness.
By rkdsign88

Through the long lines of too cute elephant bibs, I found myself loving this adorable one...
By julianneoriginals

I couldn't make my mind up from this adorable decal, or the decal growth chart. (If we have a boy, we're naming him Noah and his theme will be... Noah's Ark :))
By circlelinestudio

By willowcreeksigns

Or, I could be cheap and go with something like these adorable safari animals!
By smileywalls

Holy schmole! Mama (or...erm... soon to be?) likes!
By alamodeplease

Who could have a baby boy without having some good old-fashioned wooden rolling toys? Appease mommy with an elephant one!
By womanwoodworker
Posted by Blue Wings at 8:20 AM 5 comments
Labels: elephant, etsy sellers
The Good Kind of Busy
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I'm REALLY happy because I was accepted as a member into the Etsy Hookers Team :) They seem like a great bunch of girls to chat up with, and I cannot wait to be able to sit down and fiddle more on their website.
The past few days have been really busy. Hubby has decided that this is the month we fix up our cars. We're preparing the way in case a new baby comes along soon :) Today we picked up his car after it had a look over by Chevy, and I have to schedule an appointment for mine in Denver - a 5-6 hour drive :( It'll be a day thing, but I'm not looking forward to it at all. In any case, tomorrow we get our windshields replaced after the rocks from the wretched South Dakota winds decided to rampage our glass. Finally - to drive without a huge crack!
The winner of Mama's Little Monkey's blog giveaway was Etsy user CreateMeACanvas! :) She has ordered a custom monkey standing at 15" tall when finished. I've begun working on it and am excited to send it off to her!
Unfortunately because we've been so busy (but good busy) I haven't had time to create anything new, except for the winner's monkey. I hope all is well in crochet land!
- Brittany
You're Just a "Mommy Blogger"
Friday, February 27, 2009
Alright, I know I just posted on the CPSIA hearing cancelled, but I read another blog entry by Rick Woldenberg and I am absolutely outraged. I'm not (yet) a mother, but if you are, and you blog (and you're running a small business) please read this and be enraged: Click here.
Posted by Blue Wings at 4:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: cpsia, etsy sellers
CPSIA - Small Business Meeting CANCELLED
Say what?
Yes. The hearings on CPSIA by the Subcommittee on Regulations and Healthcare of the House Committee on Small Business have cancelled their meetings. I'm not sure why, as I just heard this news and knew that it needed immediate reporting to other Etsians and handmade artisans. Please read the blog entry by Rick Woldenberg, the Chairmen of Learning Resources Inc., in Illinois.
Posted by Blue Wings at 3:53 PM 0 comments
Labels: cpsia, etsy sellers
Still Winter
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
* * *
The Cathedral of Notre Dog
Made by
* * *Melrose White Dog Collar
* * *
Rockabilly Hot Pink Black Polka Dot Dog Puppy Hair Bow
Posted by Blue Wings at 2:24 PM 1 comments
Labels: dog items, etsy sellers
Tutorial: Fabric Lining in Crocheted Handbag
Friday, February 20, 2009
Found an awesome tutorial from FutureGirl that shows you how to sew the lining for a crocheted purse/handbag and how to sew it ONTO the actual bag. I wish someone would have told me before I had to make a bazillion errors!
Click here for the tutorial on lining.
Click here for the tutorial on sewing it ONTO the bag.
Posted by Blue Wings at 12:31 PM 0 comments